If you plan to open up your own automatic car wash business, there is a lot of equipment you'll need to invest in early on. That includes guide rails, which ensure vehicles end up on the right part of the track system that moves them forward automatically. If you're in the market for this specific component, here are some consumer buying tips to be aware of.
Make Sure They're Brightly Colored
When customers approach your automated car wash system, you want them to easily see the guide rails as they get up close. They can then make sure their wheels are aligned properly to go through these rails effectively.
In that case, you'll want to ensure your guide rails are brightly colored. For instance, if they are yellow or orange, these rails will be easy for your customers to see. This color choice will make the guide rails more impactful.
Verify They're Smooth
When customers drive up to these guide rails and move through them in their vehicles, you want to make sure tire damage isn't a possibility. This is critical to your automatic car wash company's reputation in fact.
You won't take any chances with tire damage if you get guide rails that are completely smooth. Every area will be smooth and thus allow tires to glide forward without friction or damage taking place. You can easily verify this smooth nature if you look at guide rails for automatic car wash systems in person.
Go With an Impact-Resistant Design
There might be some of your customers who accidentally bump up against the guide rails as they position their vehicles on the track system that your car wash relies on to move them forward. That's not going to be an issue if you verify these rails have an impact-resistant design. Then no amount of bumping will be able to cause severe structural damage that costs you a lot to fix. The rails instead will keep their shape and continue to serve their role effectively day after day. You can avoid regular repairs if these rails have an impact-resistant design.
One of the most important parts of an automatic car wash is the guide rail system that helps customers align their vehicles properly in the automated track. If you carefully shop for said rails and know what features to get, you can make an optimal equipment investment that pays off tremendously long-term.
Contact a local automatic car wash equipment supplier to learn more.
When I moved to a new home in a rural area, one thing I didn't consider before hand was how much further I'd need to drive to get to my favorite local car wash. Eventually, I decided that the drive wasn't worth it--but I still wanted to be able to keep my car looking pristine. That's when I decided to invest in some professional car wash and detailing supplies so I could clean my car from the convenience of my own driveway. My car has never looked better! Now, I've put together this blog to help people who want to learn how to wash their own cars like the professionals.